High School Registration is coming!
Click "Read More" to see the dates and information students will be receiving from Saugus High.
🔴March 11th -- ASB / Athletics Day through PE -- ASB students as well as coaches and athletes representing the sports offered at Saugus will explain to students how to get involved in high school. Students will receive information on the summer sports camps and have the opportunity to speak with student athletes and ASB.
🔴March 12th -- Elective Day through PE -- Students will participate in a scavenger hunt to learn about the different elective classes offered at Saugus high school. High school students enrolled in those classes will present information in an open house format allowing students to find out more about the various classes and career pathways.
🔴March 19th -- Counselor Presentation through History -- All history classes will go to the MPR. Freshmen counselors will introduce themselves, explain the registration process, and give students information to bring home to share with parents in preparation for their registration meeting. Parents, please review the information with your child and help them generate questions for the high school counselor. Students may want to write their questions down to bring to their individual meeting.
🔴March 20th -- Freshman Orientation AT SAUGUS HIGH SCHOOL during their Open House. More information will be sent to you from Saugus.
🔴March 26th through April 1st -- High School Registration through history classes -- Students will sit one on one with their high school counselor to review their junior high school transcripts and select their high school courses.
🗓️Wednesday, March 26th -- Ms. Fumarolo's history class
🗓️Thursday, March 27 -- Mr. Klauss's history classes
🗓️Friday, March 28th -- Mr. Good's history classes
🗓️Monday, March 31st -- Ms. Quay's history classes
🗓️Tuesday, April 1st -- Ms. Suazo's history classes
If your child is attending a high school other than Saugus, please contact our registrar, Ms. Galdi, at
[email protected] or at 661-296-0991 option #2.